Twinning Association News and Features
- Archive: 2020 -

The Friends of Oignies Players Present
Magic Cow - The Movie
A Traditional English Pantomime
- ou un Peu de N'Importe Quoi Comique

Saturday 12th December:
Trans-Manche Soirée de Noël
Festive fun and Bonhommie - in Cyberspace!

Saturday 12th December
The Friends of Oignies Players Present
The Magic Cow
A Traditional Christmas Pantomime

Wednesday 11th November:
Armistice Day
"The Last Post" played by Georgina Bloomfield

Sunday 8th November:
A Letter from Chelsea
Friends of Oignies Member Ted Fell becomes a Chelsea Pensioner

Saturday 24th October:
Association AGM 2020

Saturday 23rd May:
Twinning by Zoom - Soirée Virtuelle
A Cross Channel - Eurovision - Trans-Manche
Experience Extraordinaire

Friday 13th March:
Friends of Oignies : Sorée Dansante
Dancing the night away to Jazz and Blues from the Basin Street Band.