French Language
One of the principal aims of the twinning is to preserve the historical and cultural links between Buxton and Oignies. Whilst you do not need to speak French to participate in and enjoy the exchange visits, it is always very much appreciated by our amis français when people make a bit of an effort. Hopefully some of the information and links on this page may be of some help...
Language Resources
1. French Conversation Group
2. Buxton French Circle
3. Useful Websites
1. Friends of Oignies French Conversation Group
Our lively French conversation group usually meets once a month, hosted at one of the group's home. Date and venue for the next meeting is usually agreed ad hoc and circulated via email. If you are interested in joining in, please contact Ian Hamilton ikhamilton@hotmail.co.uk for details of the next meeting.
These meetings are currently taking place on Zoom, and we are looking forward to meeting up in person again when the situation allows.
2. Buxton French Circle
Buxton French Circle is an informal conversation group open to anyone who loves speaking French. We meet in the Cheshire Cheese Pub (Buxton, Derbyshire) on the second Tuesday of the month, from 7.30pm. Come along, make friends and practise your French!
Facebook page here >>

3. Useful Websites
For beginners:
French Word a Day: www.french-word-a-day.com
By an american lady, married to a Frenchman, who has lived in France for years. Loads of vocabulary and culture.
For improvers:
Français Authentique: www.francaisauthentique.com
Français avec Pierre: www.francaisavecpierre.com
A couple of really good sites by french chaps, full of podcasts and videos on french culture, grammar tourism etc. They are aimed at french learners worldwide, so are not English specific and are delivered entirely in French, as such they are suitable for those already possessing a basic level of comprehension. Both these sites have various courses available for sale as downloads, but there is more than enough free material to keep you occupied for hours on end.
Le Journal en Français Facile on RFI:
A 10 minute daily news podcast from around the world from Radio France Internationale. Not all that 'facile' for me (speaking personally - CC), but there is a transcript available, and it's full of contemporary words and phrases. It also offers an interesting international take on world news.
Other useful sites:
Wordreference: www.wordreference.com is an open source online dictionary, constantly updated with contemporary words and phrases.
Free translation at: www.freetranslation.com
www.reverso.net has a really useful french speller and grammar checker, if you want to check your conjugations and tenses. It also has a translation function.