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Twinning Association News and Features
- Archive: 2018 -

Saturday 17th November:
Dickensian Market 2018
Raising funds and promoting the Twinning Association.

Sunday 11th November:
Remembrance Day 2018
Among the wreaths laid at the foot of the war memorial on the Slopes was one on behalf of the Friends of Oignies.

Saturday 10th November:
Partie de Loto à Scarabée
(Beetle Drive)
Beetlemania comes to Burbage!

Saturday 13th October:
Association AGM 2018
Also featuring Ian's Euroquiz and Curry by Derek.

May 2018:
Twinning Visit to Oignies
50th Anniversary of the Twinning - Un weekend absolument formidable!

Jean-Marie, Marcel and support driver Gerard (centre) in 1993
May 2018:
A Tale of Two Cyclists
Thrills and near spills on the road to Oignies
In 1993, to mark 25 years of the Twinning, two cyclists from Oignies made the trip to Buxton by bike.
For the 50th Anniversary Chris Clegg and Perce Calvert decided to reciprocate by making the trip in the opposite direction.

25th May 2018:
FoO Members' Data
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. More on FoO policy on members' data here.

Saturday 10th March 2018:
Dinner Dance a Swinging Success

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