Sunday 11th November 2018:
Remembrance Sunday
At the Buxton Remembrance day parade on Sunday 11th November the Friends of Oignies Association was represented by Derek Thomas: Chair of the Association, and committee members Anne Johnson and Perce Calvert, who laid a wreath on behalf of the Friends of Oignies at the foot of the war memorial on the Slopes.
The wreath was laid in remembrance of all those who died in the two World Wars. 2018 is both the 100th anniversary of the armistice which ended the Great War and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Twinning between Buxton and Oignies. This Twinning is based on profound historical links forged during the darkest days of World War II, and our wreath commemorates in particular the five soldiers from Buxton, members of the Sherwood Foresters, who died in action near Oignies, and are buried in the cemetery there, along with one of their comrades who survived the war, and was later buried with his friends.
You can read more about the history of the Twinning and the tragic events that took place in Oignies during the Second World War on the about us page here.

The Friends of Oignies Association wreath: "In remembrance of the fallen in both World Wars and in particular those buried in our twin town."