Friends of Oignies
Calendrier 2022 Calendar
6 great images from Oignies and around, plus 6 beautiful views of Buxton and Derbyshire.
Notable dates including bank holidays & jours fériés.
Convenient A4 size with a new picture every month.
Price: £8.50.
Also makes a great Christmas present for your family in Oignies.
To order your calendar please email
Payment, via online banking (preferred) using the details below, or via cash or cheque to Peter Bloomfield, Treasurer.
Payment may be made by on-line transfer to the Friends of Oignies Association, Account Number 16425862, Royal Bank of Scotland, Sort Code 83-04-25. Please add "calendar" as a reference.
Pictures for each month are shown below.
Click on image to enlarge.
January - Buxton Opera House - Janvier
February - La Mine Image - Février
March - Wood Anenomes, Grinlow - Mars
April - Fernilee Reservoir - Avril
May - La Porte de Paris, Lille - Mai
June - Quarry Bank Mill - Juin
July - Le 14ieme, Bastille Day - Juillet
August - Three Shires Head - Août
September - Henriette Crombez Mem'l - Septembre
October - Upper Derwent Dams - Octobre
November - Le Cimetière de Oignies - Novembre
December - La Mairie de Oignies - Décembre