Saturday 29th May 2021:
(Encore une) Virtual Twinning Soirée
On Saturday evening 29th May we marked the intended date of our visit to Oignies, cancelled for the second year running due to Covid, with another of our Trans-Manche mass ZOOM get togethers. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces at a very well attended virtual soirée; I counted over 50 members, young and old, on-line, from both sides of la Manche.
Whilst it felt a little sad to find ourselves meeting up virtually, another year down the line, it was really heartening to experience the mutual warmth of feeling coming from both Oignies and Buxton. I think we are all really starting to miss each other! Croissons les doigts... et les orteils that we can all finally meet up properly in 2022.
The provisional details for the 2022 visit to Oignies can be found here.
Buxton-Oignies Réunion ZOOM mai 2021
Derek reprised his role as MC for the evening, and did a great job of marshalling contributions from Buxton members and from les adhérants Oigninois, so everybody got the chance to send greetings to their correspondents, and to the assembled company. Everyone (with the possible exception of M. le président AKA Richard) seems to have become pretty adept at this ZOOM business, and the evening passed off pretty smoothly, without too much pandemonium. In fact I barely had need to weald the dreaded 'Mute all' facility throughout the entire meeting.
On the Road Again with Les Amis de Buxton
The 'special feature' for this summer's virtual soirée was a wonderful video made by les Amis de Buxton. 'On the Road Again' was a mini world tour, presented by several of les Amis, with greetings delivered from all four corners of the planet. Many thanks to Marie and Sylvie Ossowski for putting it together, we all really enjoyed it in Buxton. If you've not seen the video yet, you can play it here, it's great fun.