Saturday 26th November 2022:
Buxton Dickensian Market
Five minutes to opening; the team prepares for the rush

Where's Oignies? Our French geography challenge proved to be very popular
Jek, Jeanette and Sue on stall duty
The Friends of Oignies stall was back in business in the Octagon on Saturday, for the first annual Dickensian Market since the Covid restrictions were lifted. We had a very successful day, with plenty of interest in the stall and the Twinning. We also managed to raise a very useful £112.95 towards Association funds, selling bric-a-brac, along with 'Where's Oignies?' quiz, for which we had over 30 entries. Much to our surprise, 6 people correctly guessed all 20 of the French cities on the map. Luckily we included a tie breaker question, so there was only one winner (We only had one bottle of wine! - kindly donated by Sue Quas-Cohen). Many thanks to those loyal members who did a stint on the stall or contributed items for sale.
Meanwhile in Oignies...
...our copains Français - Les Amis de Buxton - were holding their annual Marché de Noël, including the usual selection of typically English items including marmalade and tea.

A visit from Sherlock Holmes - Apparently