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Saturday 12th October 2019:

AGM 2019

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Thank you to all the members of Friends of Oignies who came along to a well attended AGM the other Saturday night. Derek chaired the usual brief session to discuss the ongoing business of the Association, including the election of officers and the committee for the coming year - see below for full details.


The greater part of the evening consisted of a very entertaining quiz, hosted by Paul Sanders during which the participants were sustained by ample quantities of cheese and wine provided by the Association. After a close contest, the victory, and prize champagne and chocolates, were claimed by team Electric Bikers.

The association would also like to thank:

Paul and Nik Sanders for organising the quiz

...and Robert Harrison the Community officer at Morrison's, Buxton for generously supplying baguettes and extra cheese for the buffet. 

With regard to the ongoing business of the Association, the full minutes of the meeting are available below as a .pdf

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Topping up with 'Brain food' for the quiz.

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The Association Treasurer testing the quality of the Wine.



  • 2019 heralds the second half century of the Buxton Oignies Twinning, and the association continues to flourish.

  • As usual, the visit of les Oigninois in April was the highlight of the year with over 60 making the trip to Buxton, incuding the new mayor Fabienne Dupuis, and her husband. The weekend was tremendous fun. Thank you to all members of the Association for helping to make the weekend such a great success.

  • New Members: Moira Kean and Grant Baynham, Ginny Priestley and John Walton, and Gary Bellas - Welcome to the Friends of Oignies!

  • During the past year, two of our members, Eva Fell and Don Ward sadly passed away. A toast was held by the members at the meeting to their memory.

  • Peter Bloomfield, Association Treasurer reported a balance in hand of £2,300, which represents a healthy figure at this point in the cycle, given that we are do due to host again in 2021. However, with costs per member currently around £100 per member over the two year cycle, we need to keep up the good work of organising and supporting fundraising events throughout the year.


  • ​Current membership subscriptions for 2019/20 are due before October 31st.


  • Election of Officers for 2019/20

​President: His Worship The Mayor of High Peak

Chair: Derek Thomas

Vice Chair: Ian Hamilton

Secretary: Sue Quas-Cohen

Treasurer: Peter Bloomfield


  • Committee: Anne Johnson, Ian Calvert, Karen Done, Sue Hodgkinson and Chris Clegg (Publicity Officer). Apart from the change of Mayor, the committee remains the the same as last year, no other candidates having come forward.

  • After discussion amongst association members and a subsequent vote, a small increase in annual subscription to £22.00 was agreed. The increase will apply from autumn 2020. Adult subscription remains at £20 for the current year - 2019/20, with no charge for dependent children. 

  • Looking forward to next year... We will be travelling to Oignies on the Friday, 22 May returning on Tuesday, 26 May. The coach is already booked, and it would be extremely helpful to our planning if you could indicate as soon as possible if you will be participating in the visit, and whether you intend to travel on the coach or independently. There are new families in Oignies looking to host, so please let us know if you know of anyone who would like to join us on the trip.

  • Having taken note of feedback from our members over the past year, we are planning to incorporate suggestions and ideas, where possible, into future events. In order to promote new ideas and continue to evolve, we intend to open up our monthly committee meetings by inviting contributions from one or two members each month. Please speak to any of the committee whether simply to pass on suggestions to benefit the association or to take a spot on the agenda at a meeting...

  • ...And don't forget to watch the website for news of events and fundraisers over the coming months.

Full minutes of the meeting


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