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Buxton's French Town Twinning Association

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Oignies (pronounced Wannee) is Buxton's twin town in Northern France. Our Association maintains the strong bond between Buxton and Oignies, which goes back all the way to the Second World War. We do this by promoting friendship between the people of the two towns, via events throughout the year, often in conjunction with Les Amis de Buxton, our counterpart association in Oignies.

The principal event of the year is the annual visit, which alternates between France and Derbyshire, when families from the two associations host their counterparts over a long-weekend. The Twinning Visits are always fantastic fun; you don't have to speak French, but we all have a go - often with hilarious results! For more information, and how to join please click here

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  • Visit to Buxton 2025: Les Oigninois are coming!  >>> 11 - 15 April 2025

  More reports and features on the News Page HERE ...  

How we use your data - Friends of Oignies GDPR policy - Details here

The principal aims of our association are...


  • Promoting friendship between the people of Buxton and Oignies

  • Commemoration of those who died during the Second World War. Particularly the six soldiers from Buxton, whose bodies are buried in the Cemetery at Oignies, and the eighty citizens of that town who were murdered by the German Army.

  • Membership is open to all residents of Buxton and the High Peak. Annual subscription is £30 per adult for full membership; for families wishing to join us on our exchange visits to Oignies and to host French families on the return visit.

  • You can also join as an Associate Member for £10 per year, and take part in all Twinning activities and events taking place on this side of the English Channel. 


  • Child subscription is free.

  • We send regular news and updates to all members via email (subject to consent). You can also keep up to date with Twinning News and details of upcoming events on this website.


  • For contact information, and details about how to join the Twinning, please click here.

Visits to Oignies are organised during the spring of every other year, with families from Oignies visiting Buxton in the spring of intervening years.

We have fundraising activities throughout the year to finance events and hospitality whilst we are hosting our friends from Oignies in Buxton.

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